Expertise AreasAgriculture Sciences
Founded in 1856, AGNR is one of the oldest colleges on campus. Driven by a commitment to eliminate hunger, preserve resources, improve quality of life, and empower the next generation, the school has been a key part of the University of over 165 years.
Agriculture Sciences related content
Agriculture Sciences Experts
Jon Traunfeld
Director, Home and Garden Information Center; Extension Specialist, Vegetables & Fruits
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Neith Little
Extension Educator - Urban Agriculture
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Kate Tully
Associate Professor of Agroecology in the Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Adel Shirmohammadi
Professor, Environmental Science & Technology
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Utpal Pal
Professor, Department of Veterinary Medicine
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Lisa Lachenmayr
Director and Principal Investigator of the Maryland SNAP-Ed program
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Naomi Sachs
Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Craig Beyrouty
Dean and Director, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Don Webster
Regional Aquaculture Specialist, University of Maryland Extension
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
James MacDonald
Research Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Paul Leisnham
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Technology
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Shannon Dill
Extension Educator, Agriculture & Food Systems
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Sarah Anne Balcom
Principle Lecturer and Undergraduate program director, Department of Animal & Avian Sciences
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Paul Goeringer
Senior Faculty Specialist and Extension Legal Specialist in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Yiping Qi
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Jianghong Meng
Professor, Director of Joint Institute for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) and the Center for Food Safety and Security Systems (CFS 3)
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agriculture Sciences News Releases
With New UMD Invention, All the Cool Kids Will Be Riding the Bus
Plant-Topped, Solar-Powered Shelters to Debut in Prince George’s County
Rising to a Grand Challenge: Food, Energy and Water in a Changing Climate
Institutional Grant Team Works for Balanced Approaches to Existential Problems
UMD Well Water Data Finds Contamination Frequent on Farms
Extension Researcher Finds Bacteria, Suggests Filter Use to Boost Safety
$1.35M Grant to Fund UMD-Led Team’s Study of Climate Change and Septic Tank Failure
Growing Hazard for Coastal Dwellers Doesn’t Affect All Marylanders Equally, Researchers Say
Restoring Island-Ocean Connections Creates Broad Benefits, Study Finds
UMD Scientist Helps to Highlight Need for Coordinated Conservation of Linked Terrestrial, Marine Ecosystems
DOE Funds $6 Million for UMD-Led Creation of Biofuels and Bioplastics from Food Waste
UMD Professor Stephanie Lansing to head consortium of scientists and industry partners seeking to reduce use of fossil fuels & landfills by creating renewable resources
UMD Gets First-Ever ‘New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award’
With “New Innovator” award, UMD researcher’s recent crop editing grants total more than $1 million
UMD Research Reveals Massive Cropland Expansion in Brazil
Brazil’s intensive row crop area nearly doubled since 2000, researchers find.
UMD Releases First of Seven New Apples Bred for Maryland Growers
New UMD patented apple varieties could improve yields, growing efficiency, and profitability for farmers in Mid-Atlantic and Appalachian regions
Large-Scale Wind and Solar Farms in the Sahara Would Increase Rain and Vegetation
UMD-led study published in Science shows solar and wind farms in the Sahara could double rainfall in Earth’s largest hot desert
UMD Study Uncovers Germ Cell Findings with Implications for Disease Research
Research opens the door for future stem cell research in chicken models.
New UMD Study Traces the Origins of a Major Potato Pest
Research has implications for effective management strategies against a Beetle that decimates potato crops.
UMD Researchers Find Gene that May Greatly Increase Strawberry Production
Strawberries make up a $3 billion agricultural industry in the United States alone.
UMD Researcher Develops Innovative Water Treatment System to Clean and Sustain the Port of Baltimore
Project improves water and air quality, reduces pollution, and creates renewable energy.
UMD and NASA Join Forces to Improve Global Food Security through Satellite Data
$3 million from Capital One, $2.1 million from Maryland Department of Commerce, and creation of innovation lab announced today.
UMD Professor Receives $1M from USDA NIFA to Increase Poultry Yield and Advance Animal Well-Being
UMD professor receives $1M from USDA NIFA to advance animal well-being and increase poultry yield.
UMD Doctoral Student’s Brief Video on his Revolutionary Finding about Bee Health Wins International Competition
Ramsey's discovery will enable researchers to develop more targeted control techniques that could help restore honey bee populations worldwide.
Flying Dog Brewery and University of Maryland Partner on Hops Production Initiative
The new partnership focuses on studying the potential for high-quality hops grown in the State.
Agriculture Sciences in the News
NBC News