Sarah Anne Balcom
Principle Lecturer and Undergraduate program director, Department of Animal & Avian Sciences
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Animal and Avian Sciences
Veterinary Medicine
Language Proficiency
Dr. Sarah Balcom joined the department of Animal & Avian Sciences at the University of Maryland as a full-time instructor in the fall of 2010. The following year, she became the undergraduate program director for her department. In this full-time position, she teaches 5-7 courses and mentors several independent study projects per year and provides programmatic and advising oversight to the undergraduate program. She advises over 40 students per semester in the department through its group advising system, and she serves as the pre-veterinary advisor for the UMD campus. She chairs the departmental programs, courses and curriculum (PCC) and the evaluation of teaching committees, as well as several other committees within the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences (ANSC) and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR). She is a long-standing member of the faculty board for the University's "Scholarship in Practice" General Education courses, and a member of several faculty development communities. As a CTE-Lilly Faculty fellow, she helped to create the documents that now define the scholarship in the practice category of courses.
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