Paul Leisnham
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Technology
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Climate Change
Environmental Health
Environmental Science and Technology
Health Equity and Literacy
Service to the State
Language Proficiency
Paul Leisnham is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology (ENST). His research is grounded within the emerging field of EcoHealth; a field of research, education, and practice that adopts a systems approach to promote the health of people, animals, and ecosystems in the context of social and ecological interactions. His scholarship centers on two critical environmental challenges facing Maryland, the US, and communities worldwide: 1. Invasion and control of medically important mosquitoes; and 2. Watershed health and sustainability. His most recent work integrates divergent disciplines, such as ecology, engineering, and sociology to better understand coupled interactions between human and stormwater systems to help control flooding, nutrient pollution, and disease mosquitoes, as well as better understanding issues of wider importance, including how citizens perceive their surroundings and identifying factors that mobilize communities to better manage their environment. He addresses questions that are relevant to a range of disciplines, including ecology, global change biology, public health, and environmental justice. Dr. Leisnham collaborates with numerous researchers, extension professionals, and community partners on projects funded by state and federal grants, including those from NSF, USDA-NIFA, EPA-STAR, and NOAA.
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