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Expertise AreasSocial Sciences

At Maryland, our experts are analyzing racial and social inequality, exploring the intersections of gender, work and family, strengthening police-civilian relations and studying social movements, activism and protests. Plus so much more.

    Social Sciences related content

    Social Sciences Experts

    David Karol

    Associate Professor of Government & Politics

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Stefan Woehlke

    Post-Doctoral Associate, Historic Preservation

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Rod K. Brunson


    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

    Joseph Richardson

    Joel and Kim Feller Endowed Professor; Acting Chair, Department of African American Studies

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Thomas Mauriello

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Tatiana Laboda

    Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Chris Justice

    Professor and Chair, Department of Geographical Sciences

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Frauke Kreuter

    Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology, Director, Social Data Science Center

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan

    Professor of Economics

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Kathy Dow-Burger

    Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Gregory Ball

    Vice President for Research

    Office of the President

    Rashawn Ray

    Professor, Department of Sociology

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    William Ming Liu

    Professor and Department Chair

    College of Education

    Shibley Telhami

    Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development

    College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

    Clara Irazábal-Zurita

    Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Urban Planning and Studies program

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Willow Lung-Amam

    Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Studies and Director of Community Development at the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Donald Linebaugh

    Professor of Historic Preservation and Interim Dean

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Gerrit-Jan Knaap

    Professor. Director of the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Marccus Hendricks

    Assistant Professor; Director at SIRJ Lab; Affiliated Research Faculty, Clark School of Engineering's Center for Disaster Resilience, NCSG and EFC

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Ariel Bierbaum

    Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Planning

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Hiroyuki Iseki

    Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Studies, Director, Ph.D. Program

    School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

    Social Sciences News Releases

    University of Maryland Collaborates with AT&T to Develop Cyberbullying Prevention Initiatives

    AT&T contributes $75,000 to UMD for bullying prevention research; Terrapin Upstander Program to help teens curb cyberbullying in their schools and communities

    UMD-Led Study Shows Fear and Anxiety Share Same Bases in Brain

    Findings of a UMD-led research team indicate that some long-accepted thinking about the basic neuroscience of anxiety is wrong.

    University of Maryland Launches New Social Data Science Center with Support from Facebook

    Initial Projects include Survey Tools to Track, Predict COVID-19 ‘Hot Spots’

    Parenting Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

    UMD clinical psychology professor Andrea Chronis-Tuscano offers tips for families navigating the COVID-19 pandemic

    UMD-Led Study Reveals Upsides & Downsides to the “Loosening” of America

    Research looks at positive and negative impacts of 200 years of relaxing cultural norms

    UMD Research Shows Hearing Aids Improve Brain Function and Memory in Older Adults

    Researchers hope findings lead to increased use of and improved fit for hearing aids.

    To connect with a UMD expert, email