Tatiana Laboda
Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Climate Change
Environmental Health
Geographical Sciences
Language Proficiency
english, russian
Tatiana Loboda is a Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences. Her research interests include wildland fire, biodiversity, climate change, public health and their interactions with other human and physical factors on the landscape. Laboda’s work incorporates satellite observations of land surface conditions and change to study a variety of science questions. These range from impacts of wildfire on ecosystems and climate, assessing the impacts of conservation policies on poor rural communities, and forecasting malaria outbreaks in the tropics. Geographically, her research is mostly focused on boreal forest and tundra biomes, although she has also been involved in studies of temperate and tropical ecosystems.
Loboda has been an investigator on numerous NASA projects funded by the Terrestrial Ecology (TE), Interdisciplinary Science (IDS), and Land Cover and Land Use (LCLUC) programs.
She received her B.A. degree in 1995 from the Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow, Russia), and her M.A. (2004) and Ph.D. (2008) degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park.
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