Jennifer King Rice
Senior Vice President and Provost
Office of the Provost
Academic Achievement Programs
Higher Education
Language Proficiency
In August 2021, Jennifer King Rice was named the Senior Vice President and Provost of the University of Maryland. The Senior Vice President and Provost is the second-ranking officer of the university, reporting directly to the President.
Previously, Dr. King served as the Dean of the College of Education at the University of Maryland.
As a professor of education policy, her research focused on how to acquire and allocate resources to provide equitable and excellent educational opportunities for all students. Her research examined salient issues such as the recruitment and retention of effective teachers, the equity and adequacy of education finance systems, the costs of effective policies, and the investments required to promote equal opportunity. As a national expert in education finance and policy, she has been an expert witness in school finance litigation and regularly consults with policy organizations and state and federal agencies. She currently sits on two charter school boards. She has been a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow and a Visiting Fellow at the Urban Institute, and was recently recognized as a University of Maryland Distinguished Scholar Teacher. She earned her Ph.D. from Cornell University. Prior to joining the faculty at Maryland, she was a researcher at Mathematica Policy Research.
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