University of Maryland Named a Fulbright Program Top Producing Institution
UMD has been listed as a top institution producing Fulbright U.S. Students and Scholars.
Jennifer Burroughs , 301-405-4621

The University of Maryland has been recognized as a top producer of Fulbright U.S. Students and Scholars by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Listed among research institutions, UMD is one of only 16 schools to be represented in both categories. In addition, the university is also the top producer of Fulbright scholars in the state.
For the 2017-2018 academic year, eleven students and alumni accepted Fulbright student grants to travel across the globe to conduct research and/or teach english abroad for individually designed projects; and seven scholars, faculty & staff members were selected to conduct research, lecture, and/or consult with other scholars and institutions abroad through a variety of international program awards.
Read more about UMD’s Fulbright winners
Each year, the Fulbright Program awards approximately 8,000 grants annually. Roughly 1,900 U.S. students, 4,000 foreign students, 1,200 U.S. scholars, and 900 visiting scholars receive awards, in addition to several hundred teachers and professionals. More than 380,000 "Fulbrighters" from over 160 countries have participated in the program since its inception in 1946.
The top Fulbright-producing institutions are highlighted in the Feb. 18 online edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education.
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