Terps Celebrate and Honor Veterans, this Week and all Year
UMD to hold Veteran's Day service on November 10
Lee Tune , 301-405-4679 ltune@umd.edu
The University of Maryland strives year round to recognize, support, honor and remember the nation’s Veterans, particularly UMD’s large community of faculty, staff, student and alumni Veterans. The university does so with extra emphasis and attention during Veterans Week November 6 - 12.

The centerpiece of the week’s events recognizing Veterans and their service to the nation is UMD’s Veterans Day Honor and Remember Service on Friday November 10, from noon to 2 p.m. in the university's Memorial Chapel. The Chapel, one of the University's most visible and revered icons, was dedicated in 1952 as a memorial to fallen Veterans from the University of Maryland.
This moving service will feature remarks from Vice President for Student Affairs Linda Clement; personal stories by Veterans and UMD alumni Marwin Glenn, United States Marine Corps (Ret.), 2019 Masters Candidate, Robert H. Smith School of Business, and Jan Atwood, United States Army and Army Reserves (Ret.), M.A., Recreation, University of Maryland. There will also be stirring music; remembrance activities, including the reading of names of 81 UMD Veterans who have died in the past year and a Multifaith Reflection. A buffet lunch on the Garden Chapel Patio will follow the service in the Chapel. During lunch, attendees are invited to walk the Garden Labyrinth in honor of a Veteran past or present.
Also, a Vigil in honor of Veterans who have died in service to their country will be conducted from noon to 3 p.m. at the front of the Memorial Chapel by UMD Army, Air Force, and Navy ROTC detachments.
"It is important that we celebrate the service and outstanding contributions of our Veterans to the nation and our community," said UMD Veterans Day Planning Committee Chair Denise McHugh, Memorial Chapel manager. "We are thrilled and deeply honored to continue the tradition of honoring that service through this event and other activities on campus."
In addition to the Chapel Memorial Day service, 2017 Veterans Week events include a Professional Development Workshop, a LGBQ+ luncheon, a Battle of the Branches bowling tournament, a Kayak football tournament and a Veterans Reception and an honoring of Veterans during Saturday’s Terp Home football game against the University of Michigan.
This year the University, its community of veterans, and its office of Veteran Student Life also are celebrating 10 years of UMD’s Terp Vets student organization, established to provide its members the opportunity to recognize and support the community of veterans on and off campus through a variety of volunteer and social events while building a network that enhances Terp Veterans personal and career growth.
For more information about UMD’s Veterans Week and Veterans Day events or the Terp Vets student organization contact: Veterans Student Life 301-314-0073, vetstudentlife@umd.edu, or http://stamp.umd.edu/vsl.
Division of Student Affairs Office of Diversity and Inclusion
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