Bridget Turner Kelly
Associate Professor and Diversity Officer
College of Education
Higher Education
Student Affairs
Student Life
Language Proficiency
Bridget Kelly is Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director of the Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy Program. Kelly is also Diversity Officer and Chair of the Council on Racial Equity and Justice in the College of Education at the University of Maryland.
She has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Social Foundations of Education from the University of Maryland. Her research examines university campus cultures for racial, gender, and educational equity. She focuses on: documenting the journeys of women and People of Color in historically White research institutions; preparing socially just educators; and understanding how power is negotiated in qualitative research. She has authored more than 40 publications, including two articles that have received more than 200 citations each and have been cited in AMICUS briefs for U.S. Supreme Court cases. Kelly is an award-winning teacher of intergroup dialogue and presents nationally on the topic. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education and as Executive Editor for the Journal of Student Affairs, Research and Practice. Kelly is co-editor of "Building Mentorship Networks to Support Black Women: A Guide to Succeeding in the Academy" (forthcoming, Routledge).
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